July 17, 2024

Webcast with Moody’s: Navigating Mounting Pressures for Private Colleges

With private colleges and universities under stress, Moody’s issued a report that quantifies the challenges and warns that most colleges’ current strategies are unlikely to offset unfavorable demographics and changing consumer preferences. In July, we hosted a webcast with Moody’s to address what schools can do in the face of mounting pressures. Is it time for drastic changes in strategy?

Hirtle Callaghan’s endowment specialist, John Griffith, facilitated a discussion with Nicole Serrano, Co-Author of Moody’s report and Emily Raimes, Head of Moody’s Higher Education practice.

Together, they addressed:

  • Implications of the demographic cliff on higher ed
  • Regional differences in the landscape for private colleges and universities
  • Factors affecting higher ed credit ratings
  • The role of the endowment in alleviating operating pressures
  • Creative ideas for building sustainable schools

We encourage you to watch the replay and share it with members of your leadership team, board, and other relevant stakeholders in your community. You can also access the slides.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our work with colleges and universities.